A dental bridge can replace a missing gap using a false tooth that is bonded to a healthy adjacent tooth. There are two main types of dental bridges, your clinician may recommend a particular bridge design based on the health of your adjacent teeth.


It is always important to address any dental concerns relating to missing gaps and spaces. Dental bridges provide an effective solution to closing missing gaps.

  • Give you back a confident smile

  • Aid in speech and eating

  • Help maintain any remaining healthy teeth

  • Establish a stable bite

  • Permanent solution which does not require surgery


At Whitefield Dental, we offer several options to replace a missing tooth or gap. Our clinicians can discuss all the treatment options available to you and recommend which option is best suited to your needs. These options may include:

  • Dental implants - A gold standard long-term option of replacing a missing gap. Uses a grade 4 titanium screw which fuses into your bone providing a natural and seamless finish.

  • Dentures - removable set of false teeth, made using acrylic or a metal framework suitable for replacing multiple gaps in the mouth

  • Preparing your healthy adjacent teeth will require drilling. This is done under local anaesthesia to provide you with a pain-free procedure. If you require additional anaesthesia our clinicians can provide you with more.

    Our clinicians are trained and committed to making your treatment as comfortable as possible. Please do not hesitate to voice any concerns with any of our clinicians during your appointment.

  • Before deciding to go ahead with dentures, it is important to understand the potential problems that may arise from them.

    • Require removal of healthy tooth tissue from adjacent teeth

    • Unlike dental implants, dental bridges do not fuse with bone to prevent bone resorption and maintain bone levels

    • Not as long-lasting compared to dental implants

  • If taken care of correctly, dental bridges can last a long time. As the dental bridge is supported by healthy adjacent teeth, if these teeth also deteriorate it can lead to your dental bridge failing.

    Dental implants are a more long-term permanent solution to replacing a missing gap. Click here to read more on dental implants.