
An onlay is custom-made using metal or porcelain to fit on top of your damaged or weakened tooth, providing it with protection and satisfactory aesthetics. At Whitefield Dental, we have a vast shade range for our porcelain crowns to provide you with a seamless result.


Our teeth can become compromised due to many reasons including:

  • Tooth decay

  • Extensive tooth wear

  • Damage or trauma

  • Discolouration

It is important to restore damaged teeth in order to prevent further damage and preserve the healthy parts of these teeth for as long as we can. Progression of tooth damage and decay can cause dental pain and sensitivity, making daily activities such as talking, eating and sleeping difficult.

Other reasons why you may require an onlay

  • Leaky or defective old fillings with compromised tooth structure


At Whitefield Dental, we provide porcelain onlays.

Porcelain onlays - Provide a seamless finish as the porcelain can be matched accurately to the adjacent teeth making it ideal for aesthetics. Porcelain onlays are a great choice for those with a metal allergy but it can sometimes wear down the opposing tooth.

  • Preparing your onlay will require drilling your teeth. This is done under local anaesthesia to provide you with a pain-free procedure. If you require additional anaesthesia our clinicians can provide you with more.

    Our clinicians are trained and committed to making your treatment as comfortable as possible. Please do not hesitate to voice any concerns with any of our clinicians during your appointment.

  • You will require two appointments to complete your treatment

    Your first appointment will include preparing your tooth to fit the onlay once it is made. This will be done under local anaesthesia to provide you with a pain-free procedure. In this appointment, you will pick a tooth shade to ensure best aesthetics.

    Your second appointment will be your onlay fit, where the dentist will ensure it is flush at the margins and harmonious with the rest of your teeth.

  • If taken care of correctly, onlays can last a lifetime. As an onlay is supported by the healthy tooth underneath, if these tooth deteriorates it can lead to it failing.

    Please speak with one of our clinicians on how to best care for your onlays.